The Sunday Thymes

(via Instagram)

  • My weekend consisted of fresh pesto (my true love), breakfast omelettes, golf (second time in my life), and the best weather ever.
  • Meatball heaven.
  • Remember when I talked about how mussels make me want to move to France and wear 1960’s bathing suits (yeah, that wasn’t weird at all). Well, this is exactly what I had in mind.
  • Miso caramel ice cream. This girl knows what she is doing.
  • My kind of simple, yet refined summer dessert.
  • Good lord, these look good.
  • I don’t even like mayonnaise (for the most part), but I’m dying to try this.
  • Behind the scenes with my favorite, favorite, FAVORITE cheese.
  • Perfect timing given last weekend’s Sunday Thymes edition.
  • Cherries are officially in season! These cherry meringue tartlets are the perfect way to celebrate.
  • Ahi-Tuna Burgers. So clever.
  • Happy Father’s Day!